Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hump day!

Ahhh I haven't posted in a few days! I have been doing well though. Monday I took a day off from exercising. Half by accident and half by choice. I was exhausted so I needed that extra hour in the am for sleeping! I worked a twelve hour shift then so by the time I got home a little after Seven I was exhausted. Tuesday I did my regular routine of a two mile walk with Leslie Sansone. This morning I did ZUMBA :) went to the 5 am class at TAZ fitness. It was a lot of fun and boy did I get a workout! The moves can get tricky and I definitely don't have hips that move the way thy are supposed to lol. I would consider doing it again though.

Bottom line: I FEEL GREAT!

I don't look great yet and I am still very anxious to start seeing some result but I'm going to hang in there! This is my life style change. I want to be healthy and fit. I can do it!

My thinspiration:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The start of Week 2

I suppose I need to blog about the weekend.  I didn't do to awful bad.  I can truthfully say I didn't over-eat.  I cannot say I passed on all the desert and unhealthy things.  I did stick to moderation on them though.  I drank my required water both Saturday and Sunday.  And I exercised both mornings.  This morning I put some extra power behind it to try and make up for any extra calories I could have done without.

My goals for this week: keep up my water intake.  step up my exercises.  Get enough sleep!

my thinspiration:

Life is like exercise. The harder it is the stronger you become.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

One Week

Saturday reveal.  Drum roll please! Weight: 199lbs!  Down six :) thats about a pound a day.
Pretty impressive I must say.

Day 6: So I didn't blog yesterday.  It was a good day.  got my exercises in first thing
in the morning and I drank my whole pitcher of tea!  It wasn't the best tasting stuff but
it was bearable.  I drank more than enough water not including the tea.  We went out for
dinner and I had a salad but did indulge in a piece of pizza that was needed :(  Maybe if
i wouldn't have I could have been down seven lbs!  No more of that.

Day 7:  Got out of bed at 5am on a Saturday.  Got my two mile walk in and had oatmeal and
fruits for breakfast.  I brewed some water with lemon, cucumber, ginger and tea leaves last
night.  I am working on my fourth glass of that already!  Heading to my momma's for my
brothers graduation party today.  I need to keep myself in check and think about everything
I put in my body today.

My thinspiration: to be able to wear cute undies!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 5

How did I do today? Ok. The day didn't start to great. I got up late and wasn't able to exercise! Let me tell you, I felt HORRIBLE alllll day! I felt fat and bloated. I did get my exercise in however when I got home from work. The kids worked out along side me so it was pretty cute. Doing it with the kids around is not my favorite thing I do but it was worth it. I felt soooo much better after I was done! I got my eight plus glasses of water in for the day. It's getting much easier to drink more water. I still have a hard time getting a glass in me first thing in the am though. I do it but it makes me gag! I found a few great detox drink recipes to try out! My first brew is eight cups of brewed green tea one tangerine slice and a handful of mint leaves. I have it in the fridge for the night and I plan on drinking the whole pitcher tomorrow. It's supposed to be a great diuretic mix and antioxidant.

I do have to admit to sneaking a few bites of Jillian's pizza at dinner time :( OIP pizza is the best! I had a hard time passing it up. Other than that I think I do a fairly well job!

My thinspiration

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 4!

How did I do today? Excellent :) I again drank at least eight glasses of water and did a brisk two mile walk with Leslie Sansone! I am anxious to step on the scale this weekend and see if I have had any results!

How do I feel? Accomplished, anxious and frustrated! Accomplished because I CAN change my bad habits and get healthy! Anxious because I am afraid it's not paying off or I'm not doing enough. Frustrated because I want INSTANT results lol

I'm adding a goal of running a five k. Fall maybe? Something to work towards!

My thinspiration:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day3 part 2

How did I do today?  Great!  I not only watched my portions and only ate until I was full but I ALSO walked a mile (walk off the pounds with Leslie Sansone) AND drank NINE glasses of water :)  I feel great! I still had to have my morning pick me up coffee and I rewarded myself with a beverage besides water.  I need to invest in some high protein snacks for during the day though.  I am still feeling a headache.  I am now Exhausted!

Day 3

Got up and walked away the pounds with Leslie Sansone this morning!  So glad I motivated myself to get out of bed!  Had two glasses of water this am already and I am feeling great!  Enjoying my quiet time before I have to wake the kiddos.

My goal for the day: drink EIGHT glasses of water!

My thinspiration this am :)  mmmm that looks delicious!